Post 7916 - April 2021 #Still Serving Post of the Month

District 10 - 4/9/2021

Post 7916 #StillServing
The Post made sure members received health and welfare checks so that those most at-risk, or in need, received essentials. They also delivered food to residents of the town and donated to a local food bank.

Post members who serve with the police department conducted health and welfare checks for the Occoquan community, gave protective masks to nearby medical facilities and provided scuba diving masks from a member’s dive shop for conversion to ventilator masks. In addition, members of the Post have been fighting the virus as part of teams in the Veterans Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.

Another Post member with invaluable experience as a U.S. Navy nurse was on the front lines caring for COVID-19 patients. She served onboard the USNS Comfort, a floating hospital, while it was stationed in New York City. A member ran a community kitchen in Occoquan as well.

"We are fortunate to have these Post members and VFW members all over the world defending us and our families,” said Post Commander Jeff Lett.

For these efforts and more, the VFW is proud to honor Post 7916 and each member who is #StillServing. And we thank every Post and veteran for bringing hope to those around them, especially this past year.
VFW National Website Original Article